Thursday, December 27, 2007


it swells in me
consuming me
i cannot breathe
i cannot bear it
how i ache
how i have always ached
for your love
and i have worked for it
begged for it
bore bruises for it
that no matter how you sting me
i still love you
all i ever wanted
was to be your little girl
and you've left this gap
an emptiness
that leaves me longing
for what i can never have
so when i see it
when i so much as hear of it
i could cry for the need of it
nothing fills the hole you leave in me
it is not to be satiated
and its too late
im a little girl no longer
and you've shoved me too far away
im not strong enough
i am broken
i just wanted
needed you
to love me
and this pain
it swells in me
until i am overwhelmed



fight4rock said...

im a little girl no longer

uh huh.


Anonymous said...

"nothing fills the hole you leave in me"

satiated, but never this void is never ending. beautiful
