Friday, December 21, 2007


for someone who cant stand to wait
i seem to wait the longest
you say you'll be right back
and i sit there and wait
sometimes an hour
just watching the screen
in utter anticipation
and how many years have i waited
for this evasive dibs
and i wait and wait
and yet im the impatient one
maybe the reason i seem so impatient
is because im ALWAYS waiting
and im just tired of it
someday i want to stop
i want to just stop WAITING
and i dont think it has anything to do with


fight4rock said...

this made me feel, well, impatient.

for myself? depends on your motives.

i wonder what has you waiting, then.

liked this one.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, impatient. It certainly drives the point home if you're wanting to show that emotion through the rhythms of your words.

Anonymous said...

"for this evasive dibs"

and then you said you sometimes want to stop waiting...and i can understand that. Unattainable but always there nevertheless. Constant...but fleeting.

great feeling conveyed through use of phrases.
